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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Conversations With An 8 Year Old

Most of you who have followed my musings in the past would know that I'm ... well.... probably certifiable.

The recent past has been one of pure introspection and reflection on my part due to some unfortunate and unforeseen circumstances.  Life will do that to you.

Part of what I went through in this process was a very hard and thought provoking conversation that I had, with myself - aged 8.

Thought provoking? - Yep.
Hard? - Bloody hell yes.
Life Changing? - a definitive affirmative on that one!

The key to being able to have a real conversation with yourself as an 8 year old I found was, that I had to literally strip myself of every piece of preconceived notion and fact that I had accumulated from that time forwards...
You all know the cliché’s - looking at life through a child’s eyes... the wonder of a child... etc...

Let me disabuse you of the one word in that sentence that I loathe... cliché.
Yes they are cliché’s... but at the same time they are some of the most profoundest thoughts in the world.

As an 'adult' you don't do certain things, eat certain foods, wear certain clothes....  sure, some of these are internal changes that have been made due to wisdom coming with becoming an adult(ahem... yeah right. Adult = Wisdom... NOT).  Others though, are externally wrought thoughts and processes that have been ingrained into your psyche, slowly and surely over time....

So yes, I have 'grown up'.

I have responsibilities and will do whatever needs to be done to fulfil them.

Will I let myself lose sight of the wonder of this world as it is seen through an 8 year olds eyes ever again?

Let me answer by saying - 'I think you'd be a poopoo head to think that!'

So the next time someone tells you to act your age, answer them with - 'I know you are but what am I?'

Don't just look at life through the eyes of that 8 year old.
Live life through their eyes.

Remember living life is what it's all about, there's only one possible outcome to being alive.

You may as well end up rocking up to the grave, sliding in sideways, looking like death itself (pun intended), screaming at the top of your lungs -'WOW! WHAT A RIDE!'.

Now if you'll excuse me, there's a pretty butterfly floating outside and I'm going to join him...


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